Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tasty Fingers

By: Mallory Jordan, moderately crafty

Most people have heard the story of the woman who claimed to find a finger in her Wendy's chili back in 2005. For those of you who are not caught up in the news, it was a scam. There was a finger in the woman's chili...that she placed there herself.

More recently back in May, a teen in Michigan found a finger in his Arby's sandwich.  Unfortunately for Arby's, this incident does not seem to be a scam. Even the subtitle for the Time article is, "Unfortunately for everyone involved, it appears this actually happened."

Since 2005, human fingers have been quite popular as food toppings. "A History of Human Fingers Found in Fast Food," proves that the most frightening part is only the Wendy's finger finding has been a scam. There was a second incident at Arby's before the Michigan teen and three other confirmed times when fingers have been found in various foods.

I have found a way to avoid the finger scare. Since Halloween is around the corner, choose to eat fingers instead of being surprised by them. You don't need to eat any unsuspected fingers anymore! Make these cookies so that you, and maybe even guests at a Halloween party, can enjoy the taste of fingers.


1 roll of sugar cookie dough
Sliced almonds that look like fingernails
Brown Sugar (cinnamon will work too)
Cookie sheet (use foil or Pam to keep the fingers from sticking to the sheet)

*Pre-heat your oven and bake the cookies according to the dough instructions.


Step 1: Take quarter sized ball of cookie dough and roll it out with your hands

Step 2: Flatten the long strand of dough with your pointer finger. In the middle of the finger, make an imprint with your thumb for the knuckle.

*You will want the dough to be very flat to keep the finger shape. Otherwise, they will spread out in the oven and ruin your fingers.

Step 3: Place a sliced almond at the top for the finger nail

Step 4: Score the nail beds and knuckles. I just used a knife.

Step 5: Take the brown sugar and put in around the scored nail beds, knuckles, etc. to make the finger look dirty.

Step 6: Place in oven and bake according to the cookie dough instructions.


Now you have your own delicious fingers to serve! Your Halloween guests will be impressed with your trendy food choice.


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